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From the president

Greetings from the PresidentDear members and all:


The ISTD (International Society for Teaching Debate) founded this site in November 2017 hoping that it would offers a forum to share information and to publish research/practices for educators, researchers, students, and others who have been and will be involved in debate and debate education.


Debating has been long practiced and researched around the world for a long time but specialized academic conferences and journals are limited, especially in Japan and more or less the same outside the U.S.A. Those of us who reported our findings in academic venues in Foreign Language Education or Communication may not have enjoyed stimulating conversation among well-informed participants. Educators have had difficulties to find an appropriate journal to publish their research and practical experiences.


The ISTD is trying to fill this gap by regularly hosting research conferences and issuing a peer-reviewed electronic journal.The ISTD started to host an annual research meeting in March 2015 with additional meetings in summer. The Journal (Debate and Argumentation Education. ISSN 2433-3514) published its first issue in 2017 and is scheduled to publish annual issues.


It is my sincere hope that the ISTD and its website will help develop better understanding about debate and debate education in society at large. I also urge you to join us to improve our activities.


Narahiko INOUE, Ph.D.
Faculty of Languages & Cultures, Kyushu University

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